Photos: Central American Caravan continues gathering in Tijuana

November 21, 2018  •  7559 Comments

tijuana caravan 06886tijuana caravan 06886Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford

I was sitting in the dirt near third base on Tuesday afternoon at Little Padres Park in Tijuana when Alfonso Mejia Castillo (below) struck up a conversation with me about the children playing in the infield. I took Spanish for five years in school, but that was before the turn of the century, so we didn’t get really far on that topic. But I was able to find out that he left his home in Honduras two months ago, so I ask him why he left.

“We are fleeing the violence in our country. We are fleeing the corruption. We are fleeing the "maras" [MS-13] and gangs. We are fleeing our government because if we make a single report, they don’t do anything,” explains Alfonso, later transcribed by a translator.

tijuana caravan 07295tijuana caravan 07295Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07231tijuana caravan 07231Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford

“What the police want is for them to keep killing us. In Mexico too. Even in Mexico we can’t be here. We are hoping that we can touch the heart of the government and that they will help us because we need help. We need everyone’s help. We need [President Trump’s] help. We know that the United States is very powerful. We are hoping that God will let us touch the heart of the United States government and that they will help us.”

Photos by Sean Rayford made Nov. 20-21 at Campo Unidad Bento Juarez in Zona Norte and Playas de Tijuana.

tijuana caravan 07526tijuana caravan 07526Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 06463tijuana caravan 06463Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07806tijuana caravan 07806Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07047tijuana caravan 07047Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07726tijuana caravan 07726Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford

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tijuana caravan 06863tijuana caravan 06863Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07378tijuana caravan 07378Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07959tijuana caravan 07959Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07646tijuana caravan 07646Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07413tijuana caravan 07413Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07296tijuana caravan 07296Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 06362tijuana caravan 06362Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 08112tijuana caravan 08112Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07174tijuana caravan 07174Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 05716tijuana caravan 05716Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07799tijuana caravan 07799Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07979tijuana caravan 07979Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 06507tijuana caravan 06507Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 08462tijuana caravan 08462Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 06242tijuana caravan 06242Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 07736tijuana caravan 07736Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 06988tijuana caravan 06988Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford tijuana caravan 08325tijuana caravan 08325Refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 20, 2018 - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford



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