No Unicorns at the Mt. Airy Castle

April 03, 2012

While visiting my old stomping grounds from the grade school days a few months ago during the Christmas holiday in Mt. Airy, Maryland I snuck away from the family for the unicorn hunt. I figured the best place to look was 'The Castle.' It's right down the street from Mt. Airy Duckpin Bowling Lanes and less than a block from Main Street. I discovered no unicorns but I did spend the time to make an HDR capture


Mt. Airy CAstle in Mt. Airy, Maryland


Supposedly, the castle began as an A frame and the owner and builder claims "It will never be finished."  As a kid I always imagined myself sneaking a dip in the pond, but I guess I was a wuss because I never did. It didn't ever have much of an inviting feel. Children of the family, as the story goes, used to leap into the pond from the balcony on the left where the fat stone tower is. At one point the castle was for sale at $1.6 million which is slightly out of my budget but I'm thinking once I find these unicorns I can buy the castle and keep the mystical animals safe there. It's less than an hour from Camp David so if shit hits the fan, I can move them there. At that point I'll join a weekly duckpin league and relive my summer days growing up in the MIddle Atlantic.

One time I competed in a fishing tournament across the street from the castle. All I caught were crappy sunfish and they seemed more interested with my spit than the worms. I also photographed stupid ducks at the park for one of my very first high school photography class projects. I never used those photos because on the way home I came across an accident involving a passenger car and an asphalt truck. I used those photos and unknowningly began my journey as a photojournalist. Next time back in Maryland I'll ditch the silly HDR crap and go inside.


Here's where Mt. Airy is if you were wondering:


Columbia SC Photojournalist - Sean Rayford - Photo Archive


About the author: Sean Rayford is a South Carolina photojournalist living in Columbia - the state capital. He is a 2001 graduate of the University of South Carolina.

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