From here on out I will be naming my cameras after Hall of Fame baseball players. I'm thinking that if I can give the two pounds of metal and plastic a name, I might identify with the tool more. Maybe I'll take better care of the thing and get to know it better and I won't have a funeral for something without a name. So, without further ado - meet Mick, the center-fielder for the New York Yankees during the fifties and sixties who won the coveted Triple Crown. A prototypical outfielder that hit for both average and power and in 1956, better than everyone else in the sport.
Somebody once asked Mickey Mantle if he ever went up to the plate trying to hit a home run. He replied, "Sure, every time."

The Mick also struck out 1,710 times and was an alcoholic. His favorite song was "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," which Eddie Layton played on the organ at Yankee Stadium the day he passed in the summer of 1995, one year shy of the 40th anniversary of his favorite summer. Undeniably, he was one the greatest players to have ever played the game.
"It's unbelievable how much you don't know about the game you've been playing your whole life"
-Mickey Mantle