How the Soda City Rocked in 2012 - Part 3 of 3 - Concert Photography

January 02, 2013

"Could you take my picture - cause I won't remember."

-'Take a Picture' by Filter (1999)


Can you blame me? Here's the third and final installment of concert photography in 2012 from Columbia, South Carolina. People don't think much goes on in this city but they are dead wrong. Happy New Year. Hopefully I'll see you at a few shows in the Soda City in 2013.


Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyConcert Photography of the Famously Hot Music Festival by South Carolina photojournalist Sean Rayford Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyConcert Photography of the Famously Hot Music Festival by South Carolina photojournalist Sean Rayford

Filter at the Famously Hot Music Festival - Finlay Park - August 25, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyConcert Photography of the Famously Hot Music Festival by South Carolina photojournalist Sean Rayford

Famously Hot Music Festival at Finlay Park - August 25, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyPhotos - Famously Hot Music Festival by South Carolina Photographer Sean Rayford

Lonestar at the Famously Hot Music Festival - Finlay Park - August 25, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyThe Hamburglar and Friends - Photography by Columbia SC Music Photographer Sean Rayford

The Hamburglar - Conundrum Music Hall - September 1, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyThe Manatees by Columbia SC Photojournalist Sean Rayford

The Manatees - House show near MLK Park - September 10, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyBombadil at New Brookland - Sept. 16, 2012

Bombadil - New Brookland Tavern - September 16, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographySteam Punk Photos - Hunter Gatherer

Tim Mc at the Steampunk Fest - Hunter Gatherer - September 22, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyJunior Astronomers at the New Brookland Tavern

Junior Astronomers - New Brookland Tavern - September 22, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyThe Sheepdogs at New Brookland - Sept. 2012

The Sheepdogs - New Brookland Tavern - September 25, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographySweet Tootth Nelson - Ten Years of Bluetile

Sweet Tooth Nelson - Ten Years of Bluetile Skateshop - September 28, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyFlatfoot 56 at New Brookland Tavern - September 2012 - Photos

Flatfoot 56 - New Brookland Tavern - October 1, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyWARQ Rock 93.5 Battle of the Bands - Fall Out 2012

Right to Fall - Rock 93.5's FallOut Battle of the Bands - Jillians - October 2, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyThe Paper Tongues - Fallout 2012 - Photos

Paper Tongues - Rock 93.5's FallOut - Jillian's - October 5, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyGhostface Killah at Cola Con 2012

Ghostface Killah at Cola Con - Columbia Museum of Art - October 6, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyPhife Dawg at Cola Con 2012 - Photos

Phife Dawg at Cola Con - Columbia Museum of Art - October 7, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyDeathstill Concert Photography - New Brookland Tavern

Deathstill - New Brookland Tavern - October 12, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographySlingshot Dakota Concert Photography by Columbia SC Photographer Sean Rayford

Slingshot Dakota - One Unit - October 23, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyMxPx by Concert Photographer Sean Rayford

MxPx - New Brookland Tavern - October 29, 2012


Columbia SC Photographer - Sean Rayford - Concert PhotographyBad Veins Concert Photography

Bad Veins - New Brookland Tavern - November 9, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyHe is Legend Concert Photography by Columbia SC Photojournalist Sean Rayford

He is Legend - New Brookland Tavern - November 18, 2012


Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyKyle Durfey - Pianos Become the Teeth

Pianos Become the Teeth - New Brookland Tavern - November 20, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyTitle Fight Concert Photography

Title Fight - New Brookland Tavern - November 20, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyLazer/Wulf concert photography by Columbia SC photojournalist Sean Rayford

Lazer/Wulf - New Brookland Tavern - December 2, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert PhotographyAbacus Concert Photography by Columbia SC Photographer Sean Rayford

Abacus - New Brookland Tavern - December 2, 2012



Columbia SC Photographer - Concert Photography

Bad Santa & the Angry Elves - New Brookland Tavern - December 4, 2012


Columbia SC Photographer - Concert Photos - CanCan't Kids - Concert Photography

Can't Kids - Christmas Eve Eve - The Whig - December 23, 2012


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January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December