Soda City Stand Up Prepares for the Road - Comedy Portraits

June 17, 2014  •  13 Comments

John Gibson, a harbinger of humor with the fledgling Soda City Stand Up and Columbia's new home for comedy - The Red Door Tavern - is getting ready to spend a few weeks visiting alcohol serving establishments across the southeast. He is my roommate and firsthand knowledge tells me he likes women, booze, comedy and late night chocolate snacks. And the Cleveland Browns. He is afraid of thunderstorms. Preparing for their first tour across the southeast scheduled for the fall,  the touring comics hired me come out and make some images for their promotional materials. Here's a few photos that we came away with on Sunday evening in West Columbia.


Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Columbia SC Senior PortraitsSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford John Gibson


Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Joe Coughlin


Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Jenn Snyder


Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Topher Riddle


Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Wayne Cousins


Soda Ciy Stand Up - Portrait PhotographerSoda Ciy Stand Up - Portrait PhotographerSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda Ciy Stand Up - Portrait PhotographerSoda Ciy Stand Up - Portrait PhotographerSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda City Standup Photos - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordSoda City Standup PhotosSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda Ciy Stand Up - Portrait PhotographerSoda Ciy Stand Up - Portrait PhotographerSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Soda Ciy Stand Up - Portrait PhotographerSoda Ciy Stand Up - Portrait PhotographerSoda City Standup - Comedians - Portrait Photography - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford

Soda City Stand Up - Comedian Portraits - Columbia, SCSoda City Stand UpSoda City Stand Up - Comedian Portraits - Columbia, SC


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