Sunsets in the Soda City - Episode One

June 11, 2014  •  187 Comments

Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC  Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


On Tuesday morning I had an assignment to photograph South Carolina women's basketball coach and three-time Olympic gold medal winner Dawn Staley so on Monday evening I did a little location scouting on my bicycle. A massive thunderstorm skirted the city downtown so I rode an elevator up to the top floor of parking garage to enjoy the display as the sun disappeared.


Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC  Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC  Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC  Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC  Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC  Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC Sunset - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


Funny thing is, I never even used any of the locations I scouted that evening for the shoot with coach Staley.


South Carolina Coach Dawn StaleySouth Carolina Coach Dawn StaleyDawn Staley - June 2014 - Columbia, SC - Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


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