Soda Citizen - Daniel Machado of The Restoration

August 21, 2014  •  13 Comments

I met up with Daniel Machado of the Restoration for coffee and meaningless conversation last week. "Constance," a stage production of the band's 2010 album debuts tonight at Trustus Theatre. It is sold out.


If you were to create a concept science fiction band – a five piece – who would you pick from town and what would they play?

I feel like Bobby and Danny from Sea Wolf would have to be involved. Let's just go with Bobby. Here's the thing – I know Bobby is a huge Star Trek fan and I feel like I may be bringing up Star Trek to Danny and he's like, “That's not me – that's Bobby.” Let's just edit that out and go with Bobby for his Star Trek prowess. I think Cecil Decker from Conundrum would have to be involved. I think he' be the hype man. He does nerdcore hip-hop and noise music and he works as a sound engineer at Conundrum.


Daniel Machado - The Restoration - Columbia, SC - by South Carolina photographer Sean RayfordDaniel Machado - The Restoration - Columbia, SC Daniel Machado - The Restoration - Columbia, SC - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


If you were going to describe Peter Gabriel to someone unfamiliar with him, how would you do that?

I might say, if you are like me and came from a background where you either liked... Let's say that you were a hardcore Weezer fan and other than that – older stuff – but you totally don't know how to approach the 80s. You may have to wait until you reach a place of hurt – as an adult. And you may have to wait until all of a sudden you start liking black coffee and sipping on liquors – and one day – just like that you'll hear a Peter Gabriel song. In my case, “Sledge Hammer” and you'll say, “Oh my god, why couldn't I hear that before?”


If you had to name a cheese, what would you call it?

Am I renaming an existing cheese or is this a brand new cheese? I'm terrible at naming things, so I'd crumble under the responsibility. I don't know, I'd crowd source it.

Back to the sci-fi band. We've got Bobby Hatfield on keys, Cecil Decker as hype man and on vocals. I feel like Steve Sancho has to be the drummer by default. I want to add another band to Steve's plate, so Steve is the drummer. I'd just like to throw out that my goal for the band would be to get a review where the writer describes us as “Lovecraftian.” I want Bakari as lead vocalist. I'm not in the band by the way. I'm going to insist they call me the general though. I'll steal 25% of everything. Just kidding. I want Kristen from The Prairie Willows. And I've changed my mind. I'm in the band.


Back to the sci-fi band. We've got Bobby Hatfield on keys, Cecil Decker as hype man and on vocals. I feel like Steve Sancho has to be the drummer by default. I want to add another band to Steve's plate, so Steve is the drummer. I'd just like to throw out that my goal for the band would be to get a review where the writer describes us as “Lovecraftian.” I want Bakari as lead vocalist. I'm not in the band by the way. I'm going to insist they call me the general though. I'll steal 25% of everything. Just kidding. I want Kristen from The Prairie Willows. And I've changed my mind. I'm in the band.
Am I renaming an existing cheese or is this a brand new cheese? I'm terrible at naming things, so I'd crumble under the responsibility. I don't know, I'd crowd source it.
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