Seriously Mysterious: Tuesday Night in New Orleans

November 03, 2015  •  15 Comments

Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


Last Tuesday night I spent my evening wandering on the eastern edge of the French Quarter in New Orleans. My first stop was a theme party at The Dragon's Den across from the old U.S. Mint. It was dubbed "Night of 1,000 Frans." As in, Fran Drescher. Party organizers suggested that attendees "CHANNEL UR INNER FLASHY GIRL FROM FLUSHING AND LET THAT FRAN FLAG FLY."


Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


Just around the corner the scene changed a bit at the local crust punk watering hole. In between bands, tourists would take to the other side of Decatur Street to avoid the horde of sidewalk dwellers. I was not dressed appropriately for either social gathering but decided to bounce between the two the rest of the Tuesday evening. Met some people on the way. Got in my car the next morning and drove back to Columbia, SC. Dallas wedding road-trip complete. Until next time Crescent City.


   Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Photos of New OrleansPhotos of New OrleansPhotos of New Orleans Road Trip

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


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