Photos: The People's March on Columbia, SC
In January of last year, Henry McMaster, then lieutenant governor of the state of South Carolina, introduced then candidate Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Gilbert, SC. There were throngs of excited supporters under a festival size tent at Harmon’s Tree Farm that evening and an overflow crowd filled the area behind the media risers. At one point, a woman near the front fainted during Trump’s address. Since then, the Donald became the 45th president of the United States and plucked then Governor Nikki Haley for the role of ambassador to the United Nations. Henry McMaster was subsequently appointed governor of South Carolina. Millions of Americans now find themselves waking each morning to the latest damage reports about an alternate reality that they now find themselves inhabiting. And with each new shot to the hull, a new public gathering is planned and executed. “Donald Trump is a fool and I hate to think the chief executive officer of our state backs such a human being who is panning out to be a disastrous leader,” explains Arik Bjorn, an event speaker who recently ran against congressman Joe Wilson in the House of Representatives, “Across the nation there were a lot of anti-President days but that was not particularly what this was.” “It was specifically aimed at governor McMaster. Sending a strong message to him on areas of healthcare, education, mass incarceration, gun legislation, a $15 minimum wage, planned parenthood, LGBTQ rights, Muslims rights, native Americans rights and all of the different things that where we stand on,” says Pastor Tomas Dixon (pictured above), an event organizer of yesterday’s “People’s March on Columbia” at the South Carolina Statehouse. “A lot of what's going on in Washington DC is something that we really can't reach out and touch. But seing as we have a new governor in the state who was an early supporter of Donald Trump and is subsequently now a supporter of his administration,” he says, “we made it perfectly clear to our Gov. McMaster what we expect of him during his time in office because we are his employer and he is our employee.”
“It's to our detriment as people that we many times choose to work in their own ethnicity, in their own religious communities, own political parties. But the reason why we experience a lot of the woes of society is we allow those differences within us to create division. We should be able to work together - all of us as human beings and not necessarily just as Americans,” says Dixon.
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