Photos: March for Science - Columbia, SC

April 24, 2017  •  15 Comments


MArch for Science 06841MArch for Science 06841South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford

In coordination with Earth Day celebrations on Saturday hundreds of cities across the globe participated in pro-science demonstrations. Organizers say more than 600. In Los Angeles, California and in Chicago, Illinois people gathered in support of science. In Mobile, Alabama and in Eugene, Oregon people gathered in support of science. In Paris, France; Sydney, Australia; Zagreb, Croatia and in Cape Town, South Africa people gathered in support of science. And in Columbia, South Carolina people gathered in support of science — all satellite versions of a protest in the nation’s capital titled “March for Science.”

MArch for Science 07223MArch for Science 07223South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford

On the steps of the South Carolina Statehouse a wetlands ecologist wearing a t-shirt with a portrait of Charles Darwin held a sign. On one side it read, “Make America Think Again,” and on the other, “Don’t Tread on Science.” Surrounded by more than two hundred others armed with sticks and poster board the group slowly retreated up the steps as the hot sun climbed upwards and speakers rotated below.

“I am a scientist- a biologist- and I think that the current political climate is very anti-science and anti-intellectual. And it really pisses me off. I think policy and laws should be based on science but that's not happening right now and it's important to have our voices heard,” the wetlands ecologist said later during the rally as he stood on the Confederate Monument.

blog ad barblog ad bar MArch for Science 07072-2MArch for Science 07072-2South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 06942MArch for Science 06942South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07165MArch for Science 07165South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07330MArch for Science 07330South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07319MArch for Science 07319South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 06999MArch for Science 06999South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07039MArch for Science 07039South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 06852MArch for Science 06852South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07352MArch for Science 07352South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07213MArch for Science 07213South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 06944MArch for Science 06944South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07388MArch for Science 07388South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07245MArch for Science 07245South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford MArch for Science 07366-2MArch for Science 07366-2South Squeezed - Photo by Columbia SC photographer Sean Rayford


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