Soda City Salutes Legendary Rockafellas' Music Club

May 20, 2013  •  1729 Comments

I saw three notable bands at Rockafellas' during my freshman year at USC before the music venue shut it's doors: Machine Head, Seven Mary Three and Stretch Arm Strong. Yet, what sticks out most in my memory was a band called Bedlam Hour. They opened for Stretch and the singer wore a rubber chicken suit - not like a furry costume - but a jacket with a bunch of rubber chickens attached to it. He had a kiddie pool, many gallons of milk and many boxes of cereal. He made breakfast on the floor of the pit and then jumped in. He flailed and squirmed like Ian Curtis. And like Black Rob in 2000 "I was like. Whoa."


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Buck Stanley


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This past weekend the local music scene, organized by the Jam Room's Jay Matheson, put a stage where a stage used to be, played some tunes and raised some hell in the building that was once the center of the local music community. Like I did in 1997 I rode my bike down to Five Points and saw the familiar sights. A van and trailer on Devine Street. Gear in the Subway parking lot and dudes with long hair not wearing khakis and flip flops milling about smoking cigarettes.  Five Points was way cooler, if only for one weekend.


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Say Brother a.k.a. "Say Hangover"


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Death on Two Wheels


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Adam Corbett


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Arcade Fire on the stereo.


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Adam Cullum and Brian Hannon


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Lily Slay


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Daniel Machado


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Lawdan Mazloom

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