Don't Remember the Weekend - Ep. 1 - The Hamburglar Strikes Again

February 03, 2014  •  10 Comments

Sea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014 South Carolina vs. Florida RigbySouth Carolina vs. Florida RigbyUniversity of South Carolina vs. University of Florida - Rugby - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 1, 2014


The game ended and I thought the Gamecocks had won. There was no scoreboard to look at and I wasn't even sure how points were accumulated. There were no coaches getting Gatorade showers, fireworks or trophy presentations. Typical American - almost completely ignorant of the sport despite a lifetime surrounded by athletic competition. But the players on my alma mater's team looked a lot happier than my second favorite collegiate sports team. During a pleasant drizzle at Strom Thurmond Field I learned what happens in a scrum and the basic concept behind what's going on in the photo below. It was pretty foreign to me and I enjoyed the amount of swearing that I could decipher during the match. It wasn't until today I learned that the South Carolina Gamecocks defeated the Florida Gators in Saturday's rugby game by the score of 24-17. Or do they have matches? The team is undefeated this spring season and you can find out more about them on the University of South Carolina Men's Rugby website. They bop heads with the Kentucky Wildcats this coming Saturday, February 8th outside of the Strom Thurmond Wellness Center.


South Carolina vs. Florida RigbySouth Carolina vs. Florida RigbyUniversity of South Carolina vs. University of Florida - Rugby - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 1, 2014 South Carolina vs. Florida RigbySouth Carolina vs. Florida RigbyUniversity of South Carolina vs. University of Florida - Rugby - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 1, 2014 South Carolina vs. Florida RigbySouth Carolina vs. Florida RigbyUniversity of South Carolina vs. University of Florida - Rugby - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 1, 2014 South Carolina vs. Florida RigbySouth Carolina vs. Florida RigbyUniversity of South Carolina vs. University of Florida - Rugby - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 1, 2014 South Carolina vs. Florida RigbySouth Carolina vs. Florida RigbyUniversity of South Carolina vs. University of Florida - Rugby - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 1, 2014 South Carolina vs. Florida RigbySouth Carolina vs. Florida RigbyUniversity of South Carolina vs. University of Florida - Rugby - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 1, 2014 South Carolina vs. Florida RigbySouth Carolina vs. Florida RigbyUniversity of South Carolina vs. University of Florida - Rugby - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 1, 2014


A bunch of other cool stuff happened this weekend in Columbia, SC.

Like Queens of the Stone Age at the Township Auditorium. You should check out a slideshow of photographs from the concert that I put together for the Free Times


Queens of the Stone Age - Columbia SC - 2014Queens of the Stone Age - Columbia SC - 2014Queens of the Stone Age at Township Auditorium in Columbia, South Carolina - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Jan. 2014 Queens of the Stone Age - Columbia SC - 2014Queens of the Stone Age - Columbia SC - 2014Queens of the Stone Age at Township Auditorium in Columbia, South Carolina - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Jan. 2014


People Person and The Sea Wolf Mutiny at the New Brookland Tavern.


Sea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014 Sea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014 Sea Wolf MutinySea Wolf MutinySea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014 Sea Wolf MutinySea Wolf MutinySea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014


Low to the Earth at Foxfield Bar and Grille.


Sea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014 Sea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014


And this is what happens when you let the Hamburglar into the party.


Sea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014 Sea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014 Sea Wolf Mutiny at New Brookland in Columbia, SC by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford - Feb. 2014


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