Can't Remember the Weekend - Ep. 2 - Hump Mountain Roller Derby

February 10, 2014  •  11 Comments

Bombadil at Arts and Drafts in Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


On four Friday nights each year Soda citizens gather downtown at the Columbia Museum of Art to listen to live music, drink fancy beers, look at art and smoke cigarettes in a courtyard. It's called Arts and Draughts and Friday night's edition featured Jordan Igoe of Charleston, Bombadil of Durham and Great Peacock out of Nashville.


Bombadil at Arts and Drafts in Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Bombadil at Arts and Drafts in Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Bombadil at Arts and Drafts in Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Bombadil at Arts and Drafts in Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Bombadil at Arts and Drafts in Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Bombadil at Arts and Drafts in Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford fk mt. at the Punk Palace in Columbia, SC - Feb. 7, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


Across town that night Columbia's fk mt. played in the same living room where they recorded the three song demo "underwater goddammit" that I can't stop listening to. This is also a problem for all the cool kids in town. On Saturday the DC Rollergirls visited Columbia QuadSquad at the Jamil Temple. The Soda City all star team notched a win while the Miss B-Havers (pictured) failed to complete the sweep.


Roller Derby PhotosRoller Derby PhotosColumbia Quadsquad vs. DC Rollergirls roller derby in Columbia SC - Feb. 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Roller Derby PhotosRoller Derby PhotosColumbia Quadsquad vs. DC Rollergirls roller derby in Columbia SC - Feb. 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Roller Derby PhotosRoller Derby PhotosColumbia Quadsquad vs. DC Rollergirls roller derby in Columbia SC - Feb. 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Roller Derby PhotosRoller Derby PhotosColumbia Quadsquad vs. DC Rollergirls roller derby in Columbia SC - Feb. 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Roller Derby PhotosRoller Derby PhotosColumbia Quadsquad vs. DC Rollergirls roller derby in Columbia SC - Feb. 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Roller Derby PhotosRoller Derby PhotosColumbia Quadsquad vs. DC Rollergirls roller derby in Columbia SC - Feb. 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Photos of Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Photos of Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Photos of Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Photos of Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Photos of Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Photos of Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


And on Sunday evening some youths played Red Rover on the Statehouse grounds.


Photos of Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford Photos of Columbia SC - Feb. 9, 2014 - by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


Can't Remember the Weekend is a regular series on my photblog and a look back my adventures last weekend in Columbia, SC. See ya next week!


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