Wounded TongueWounded Tongue and more at Foxfield in Columbia, SC on September 24, 2014<br/><br/>Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
If I'm gonna shoot flash photography at a show, I'm typically using one or two remotely fired Nikon SB600 flash units. They are the cheapest Speedlight Nikon produces. Normally I like to bounce the light off the walls, floors, and ceilings. I've got a pretty good system down when it comes to charging batteries for all my gear but it failed Wednesday night at Foxfield Bar & Grill. For a while, I thought I was doing something really wrong, like I had forgotten how to ride a bike. My exposures were way off, but eventually I realized there wasn't enough juice to blast sufficient light from the flash. My last resort was the pop up flash, so that's what we did. Which means no bouncing. I'm pretty furious with myself.
Wounded TongueWounded Tongue and more at Foxfield in Columbia, SC on September 24, 2014<br/><br/>Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Wounded TongueWounded Tongue and more at Foxfield in Columbia, SC on September 24, 2014<br/><br/>Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford