Too Dizzy to Remember its Hilarious Glory

April 03, 2015  •  1380 Comments

Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


“It is the custom to look back on ourselves of the boom days with a disapproval that approaches horror...But it had its virtues, that old boom: Life was a great deal larger and gayer for most people, and the stampede to the Spartan virtues in times of war and famine shouldn't make us too dizzy to remember its hilarious glory.”   -F. Scott Fitzgerald


Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford

Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


Models: Shannon Watson / Lindsey Vidal / Topher Carnes / Ryan Smith

MUA: Lindsey Vidal

Hair: Topher Carnes

Concept: Shannon Watson

Location: Columbia, SC


Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford
Fashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Editorial #1 - Columbia SCFashion Photography Twenties Theme - Columbia SC

Photos by South Carolina photographer Sean Rayford


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Ak Group Limited(non-registered)
Your site is truly cool and this is a great inspiring article.
Ak Group Limited(non-registered)
Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article.
Ak Group Limited(non-registered)
Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article.
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